Month: March 2013

  • A Little Better

    Though today was still a struggle, I think I can definitely say that I am finally on the upswing, healthwise. I slept in and struggled through the morning, but I did manage to teach today and even keep going to do the Bible study tonight.

    It was a cool day and we even had some rain—right as Jasper and I were about to go to the park. So, we didn’t go. I’m not sure it would have been smart for me to be out in the cold and wet anyway. At least the rain washed away some of the pollen.

    I got some rest around supper time as Lucy made the lasagna all by herself for the first time. She did a great job!

    Tomorrow, I have to drive Spencer to his friend Britton’s house early in the morning, so no staying up late for me. I hope I feel up to the drive!

  • Magically Delicious—Not!

    Well, to be honest, I was amazed at how well I handled the garlic yesterday. What I didn’t realize is that by the end of the day my body had reached some kind of preset garlic limit. This morning when I dutifully took my garlic, it didn’t stay down. So, it’s been just the apple cider vinegar today.

    I got up to get the kids ready for their co-op classes and as soon as they left I collapsed back into bed, where I stayed for the entire morning. The most strenuous thing I did was talk to my mom on the phone. It was very discouraging.

    However, by mid-afternoon I felt at least a teeny bit better. I did some cleaning and de-cluttering in my room, not because I’m a neat freak but because I was really hoping to find my missing Kindle. Instead I found 46 writing implements on the table next to my chair. Clearly, I have issues with not wanting to be caught without something to write with!

    Here’s hoping that tomorrow I will feel better enough to actually accomplish something.

  • Desperate Times

    I have been sick since Saturday. I really thought that by today I’d be noticeably better. I wasn’t. I took a mental inventory of my symptoms and came to the realization that I am not dealing with a cold, but with a full-blown sinus infection. Zinc doesn’t work for that. The cold meds I’ve been taking have been useless. I can’t go to the doctor, and even if I could, I am not interested in taking antibiotics. Antibiotics and I are not friends.

    So, that leaves natural remedies. The only natural remedy I know of that seems to have a lot of evidence behind it is raw garlic. I did a little research online and discovered that apple cider vinegar has also been very helpful for some with sinus infections. I dragged myself to the store and came back with lots of fresh garlic. You would not believe how much garlic I have ingested since this afternoon. I don’t believe it myself. (I put it through my rarely-used garlic press, drizzle it with honey, and wash it down with water.) I alternate the garlic with the apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and a little honey (as instructed).

    My stomach feels a little funny, I’ve got to tell you. It will be worth it if I start feeling better. The problem is that I haven’t started feeling better yet, and tomorrow is the day that I was going to get to talk about Zambia and take Zambian food for my geography class. Instead, I’m going to have to send a video for the kids to watch so that I can stay home chugging down vinegar and garlic. My Southern Africa class is going to have to wait till next week, by which time I had better be functioning again! (And yes, for those of you who are about to suggest it, I am also irrigating my sinuses with saline solution and hydrogen peroxide.)

    Another miserable result of this ill-timed illness is that we are going to have to withdraw Lucy from her 4H sewing project. I have been too sick to help her, and she was gone all weekend, and now we are just out of time. She will still make her skirt, but it won’t be done in time for the competition. At least she’ll get a pretty skirt out of the deal!

    After supper this evening, once Jasper was done with all his homework, Lucy and I made some Sweet Marie bars for tomorrow’s bake sale. This is the third week in a row that we’ve made something, and I’m glad that it’s the last. It was just one more thing to stress about!

    Before I collapse for a while, I need to go get all the materials together that my friend Tammie will need to substitute for me tomorrow. Here’s hoping that tomorrow at this time I’ll be reeking of garlic but feeling fabulous!

  • Always Look On the Bright Side of Life

    Monty Python

    On days like today, the bright side can be a little hard to see, but I do have one piece of thrilling news to share. Yesterday my handsome heroic husband finished fixing our failed bathroom sink plumbing! Yes! After weeks of brushing my teeth in the kitchen and washing my face while bent double over the bathtub, I am reveling in the simple joys of washing my hands and brushing my teeth using the sink in my bathroom again! It’s the little things like that that can really brighten up my day.

    On the other hand, being miserably sick for the third day in a row is kind of a downer. Yesterday was spent mostly in bed, but I did get up to greet Lucy when she returned home from her retreat, and I did manage to make a nice Irish dinner with which to greet AJ and Jonnie when they arrived back from Spring Break on St. Patrick’s day. After our dinner we watched Riverdance, as is our family tradition going back many years now. Sadly, the kids are all too old and dignified to get up and dance with the video like they used to!

    Today was a real struggle because even though I canceled my class, I still had to work with Jasper on his homework and I still had to do my own homework when all I really felt like doing was lying down and feeling sorry for myself while trying to remember what it feels like to breathe through my nose. It doesn’t help that the pollen season is upon us and I have allergies to deal with in addition to my head cold.

    And it also didn’t help that this week’s geography class is going to be about my favorite place in the whole world, and looking at all the photos and reading various articles just made me so homesick I could hardly stand it!

    I did have to leave the house today to get more medicine. The stuff I’ve been taking doesn’t seem to be doing anything, and even the zinc has failed me this time. The next few days might kill me. But, I keep telling myself I can make it for just 22 more days! That is when the worst will be over and Lina will arrive!

    Speaking of Lina, she had an exciting day yesterday. You should go read her blog:

    Quote of the Day:

    Jasper, exasperated with Spencer’s loud music:  “What went wrong when you got Spencer?”

  • As I do most years, I am sharing part of Patrick’s Breastplate for St. Patrick’s Day.



    attributed to Saint Patrick, 7th century


    I arise today

                Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,

                Through belief in the threeness,

                Through confession of the oneness

                Of the Creator of Creation.


    I arise today

                Through the strength of Christ’s birth with His baptism,

                Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,

                Through the strength of His resurrection, with His ascension

                Through the strength of His descent for the Judgment of Doom.


    I arise today

                Through the strength of the love of Cherubim

                In obedience of angels,

                In the service of archangels,

                In hope of resurrection to meet with reward,

                In prayers of Patriarchs,

                In predictions of Prophets,

                In preachings of Apostles,

                In faiths of confessors,

                In innocence of holy Virgins,

                In deeds of righteous men.


    I arise today  

                Through the strength of heaven:

                Light of sun,

                Radiance of moon,

                Splendour of fire,

                Speed of lightning,

                Swiftness of wind,

                Depth of sea,

                Stability of earth,

                Firmness of rock.


    I arise today

                Through God’s strength to pilot me:

                God’s might to uphold me,

                God’s wisdom to guide me,

                God’s eye to look before me,

                God’s ear to hear me,

                God’s word to speak for me,

                God’s hand to guard me,

                God’s way to lie before me,

                God’s shield to protect me,

                God’s host to save me

                            From snares of devils,

                            From temptations of vices,

                            From every one who shall wish me ill,

                Afar and anear,

                Alone and in a multitude.


    I summon to-day all these powers between me and those evils,

    Against every cruel merciless power that may oppose my body and my soul,

    Against incantations of false prophets,

    Against black laws of pagandom,

    Against false laws of heretics,

    Against craft of idolatry,

    Against spells of women and smiths and wizards,

    Against every knowledge that corrupts man’s body and soul.


    Christ to shield me today

    Against poison, against burning,

    Against drowning, against wounding,

    So that there may come to me abundance of reward.

    Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,

    Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,

    Christ on my right, Christ on my left,

    Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,

    Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,

    Christ in the mouth of every one who speaks of me,

    Christ in every eye that sees me,

    Christ in every ear that hears me.


    I arise today

                Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,

                Through belief in the threeness,

                Through confession of the oneness

                Of the Creator of Creation.

                            Domini est salus.  Domini est Salus.  Christi est salus.

                            Salus tua, Domine, sit semper nobiscum.




  • An Unwelcome Second Helping

    I had a restless night last night. When the alarm went off this morning, I realized why. Somehow during those few hours that I was asleep, a rhinovirus snuck up on me and took over. I felt fine when I went to bed, and woke up with a full-blown cold. No time to take zinc at the first sign of illness.

    So, just a few days after recovering from my last cold, I’m sick again. Boo. That really messed up my plans for the day. I had SO MUCH I wanted to do to make up for all the stuff I didn’t get done this week because it was spring break and I was trying to make sure the kids had a good time!

    So, I did what I usually do in these situations. I worked until I was unable to continue and then rested until I couldn’t stand it and then went back to doing stuff. I didn’t even come close to getting it all done, but I did get some geography work taken care of (researching Africa! It could be worse!), and I also made some headway in my sewing room, because I really need that room to be functional ASAP.

    I also actually did a bunch of homework with Jasper, because reading aloud doesn’t tire me out as much as other things.

    I also received a piece of mail that presented quite a conundrum. Well, actually it was addressed to Lina. Last week she received a jury notice requiring her to appear in municipal court toward the end of this month. I read carefully through the acceptable reasons for exemption, and there wasn’t a single one saying “I’m currently living on another continent.” So I wrote in the reason and also included my contact information in case the court had any questions.

    So today’s letter said this: “We are in receipt of your Official Jury Notice and are unable to accept it at this time due to the lack of proof provided to the court.” It goes on to explain that failure to comply will result in a fine ranging from $100 to $1000.

    So, what to do? What proof will the court accept? They say that the proof should be either mailed in or presented in person. Seriously? How do you personally present proof that you are not here? I can see I’m going to have to make a phone call on Monday.


  • Bulgogi Pizza

    Today felt like Saturday all day. I took Lucy out shopping this morning because she was in desperate need of new flip flops and a new pair of jeans before leaving for a retreat at lunch time. Mercy was in desperate need of sesame oil for the meal she was planning to make tonight.

    The flip flops were relatively easy. The women in this family just have to be okay with wearing men’s shoes virtually all the time. The sesame oil was in stock at the health food store. The jeans were a problem. Apparently the stores in our town don’t believe that tall women exist. After a very discouraging search, we found a pair that fit—but the price was beyond what I could pay, so we walked out and went to Walmart. Lucy was able to find a pair that she could live with, and also a dressy top to wear on Sunday.

    By then Mercy was very impatient because she needed the oil for her all-important Korean marinade. She had invited a few of her friends over for supper and a movie. She spent most of yesterday and today cleaning this house like a madwoman. I should let her invite friends over more often!

    At lunchtime Sarah and Daniel from church drove up and got Lucy. They will be at a retreat in Oklahoma until Sunday evening. I hope it is a real time of blessing for them.

    The afternoon was all about getting ready for the dinner. I made the pizza crust dough and Mercy made the bulgogi, the marinated beef for topping the pizza. Mercy baked a cake and I made the icing.

    Mercy’s four friends showed up and they ate on the patio while the rest of us stayed in the house. The pizza was delicious. After supper, Mercy and all four of her friends squeezed on to the couch to watch a movie. Despite the fact that she had to stay home, I think she has had a least a few good times this Spring Break.

  • Grumpy

    There used to be a cartoon show called “Here Comes the Grump.” Bet you didn’t know it was about me. Just kidding. However, I am pretty grumpy right now.

    The day started off okay. Walter went to buy parts for the plumbing and then when he returned Lucy, Ilse, Spencer, Jasper and I started off for the farm. Lucy had talked Spencer into coming so he could finally experience riding a horse.

    Lucy, Ilse and Spencer went riding and Jasper went off with his friends Ethan and Iver. Kim and I were visiting in the house when her youngest son came in and announced that the cat was having kittens in the goat barn. So Kim and I went out there and sure enough—the cat was in labor and before long she gave birth to a scrawny orange kitten.

    We were a little worried about the kitten because it seemed weak and had no interest in nursing, despite our efforts to help it. When there were no more kittens immediately forthcoming, we went back into the house, only to have the cat abandon her kitten and follow us shortly afterwards.

    It seemed that the cat was not willing to give birth without moral support, so various family members and I took turns sitting with her. During my shift she kept getting up as if to leave, but as soon as I started petting her she would lie back down and then I’d try to get the kitten to latch on again. No more kittens were forthcoming, it seemed, despite the cat’s very swollen belly.

    Kim finally got the kitten to latch on, which was a huge relief to us all, but by the time we left there were still no new kittens after over two hours! I still haven’t heard what the, uh, “outcome” was.

    From the farm we went on to my friend Robin’s house, where I visited with her and the kids hung out together. It was so good to have even a short visit. Then it was on home, with a very quick detour to the yarn store for one skein of yarn.

    After that the day went downhill fast. I don’t want to talk about it. Suffice it to say that it’s been a rough few hours and I am very grumpy. I hope tomorrow is better.


  • I Know There’s a Lake Here Somewhere

    So, even though I knew the lake was low, I just felt that we couldn’t stay away any longer, especially since it is spring break and Mercy could actually come with us. And especially since it was Lucy’s 15th birthday. Can you believe my Lucy is 15?

    So, we set off late this morning. After stopping to get some food for our picnic, Mercy drove us all the way to the lake. It was great practice for her.

    Knowing the lake was low didn’t really prepare us for how low it was. It was possible to easily walk to the island. Much of what used to be underwater is now high and dry and the vegetation appears to be dead—including the lovely line of cypress trees that I have so enjoyed photographing over the years.

    I am very puzzled about this. Other area lakes are full after several weeks of good rain. I can only assume that this particular lake is letting a lot through the dam or else they are siphoning off more than they used to for area water supplies and irrigation. It was still a beautiful day, though. Sunny, windy, and a little cool.

    Shortly after we arrived Kim and her kids arrived in a pickup with two kayaks. Jasper and his three little friends immediately set off exploring. The rest of us ate lunch and then Lucy and Ilse headed for the island in search of shells. They found lots and lots of shells. They brought them all back. We brought Ilse back too.

    Almost everyone went kayaking while we were there, including Spencer and Mercy. Kim and I had a nice visit, and the little boys all got wet and dirty. Poor Jasper has finally come down with the cold the rest of us had, so he was pretty miserable on the way home. He took a hot shower when we got home and came out bright red!

    Meanwhile, I was making Lucy’s requested birthday meal—our favorite Mexican dip. I also made a gluten-free chocolate cake. I made some peanut butter icing at Lucy’s request and then she and Ilse decorated the cake with mini Reece’s peanut butter cups and Reece’s pieces. It was a very pretty cake and a very rich one also!

    Mercy is off to spend the night with a friend in the dorm, and Lucy and Ilse are settling in to watch a movie before going to bed.

  • Plan B

    Today was our big day to go to the zoo. The weather was perfect: crisp and cold at sunrise, but warming up nicely thereafter. We packed our picnic and set off, planning to eat our lunch before actually entering the zoo. (I’m sure you’ll be relieved to know that I brought my tea in a thermos.)

    Alas, it was not to be. When we arrived at the zoo, we found ourselves confronted by something I’ve never seen there before: a full parking lot. I drove incredulously around the whole lot, including the “overflow” section which I’ve never seen open before, and every single space was taken. There were several other cars circling in the vain hope of finding a spot also, and as we gave up and drove back out, there were yet more cars driving in.

    Having driven that far, we were not about to turn around and come home, especially since the kids were very hungry! Instead, we drove to a park that I have been to before and had a very lovely picnic lunch. The park was also quite full, but not as full as the zoo! We realized that we were just a few blocks away from where Spencer’s buddy Britton lives, so Spencer called him on the phone and a few minutes later Britton arrived and picked up Spencer and Jasper and took them home with him. (Britton has a younger brother Jasper’s age.)

    Lucy and I decided to enjoy our “girl time” by checking out at store on the other side of town. Gander Mountain is a sporting goods store that I have always been curious about because we used to get their catalog. Besides, I had a legitimate reason—I was in desperate need of new and supportive flip flops. Right away, I found a pair of flip flops I liked. Then I saw the price was $90, and I liked them a lot less. Fortunately I did eventually find a pair in my price range!

    We really enjoyed checking out the camping equipment (me) and clothing (Lucy). My favorite thing in the camping section was a plate with collapsible sides that could double as both a serving bowl and a cutting board. I LOVE multi-purpose things! I also did find a bag I really liked, but again, my admiration faded after inspecting the price. The only other thing I actually bought was some new marshmallow toasting forks for chai parties. Our old skewers are nearly 20 years old and they look it!

    We still had a little time left, so we went to Barnes and Noble and enjoyed browsing for a few minutes before heading up to pick up the boys. So, even though it wasn’t the day we planned, we all had a good day. Spencer was thrilled to get to spend time with his best friend, Jasper had a blast with Peter, and Lucy and I had a great mother-daughter outing.

    Unbeknownst to me, Walter took the afternoon off to finally start working on our bathroom sink plumbing. We have been making do with a bucket under the sink for a couple of months now. It’s going to be a big job, apparently. He plans to work some more on it tomorrow.

    After supper I took Mercy out driving and she drove to Walmart for the first time! She did just fine. We really need to remember to let her practice more!

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