March 23, 2013

  • Zoo Field Trip

    When Spencer told me that he had to be at Britton’s house by 8:30 this morning, so that he could go to classes with Britton today, I had a bright idea. Since we failed at going to the zoo last week, maybe I could bring Lucy and Jasper along and we could go to the zoo after dropping off Spencer.

    So, everybody had to get up by 6:30 this morning. No one was happy about it, least of all me, but it was for a good cause. We made it out the door by 7:20, which was only five minutes later than our goal. In our world, this is a “win.” We made it to Britton’s house without incident, unless you call stopping to get Spencer some breakfast an incident.

    After dropping him off, the rest of us could take our time about finding breakfast, but first we had to find a drugstore. I am still really struggling with my sinus infection, and Lucy has a severe respiratory infection, and we both forgot to take any meds before leaving home. In our world this is a “fail.” So, rather than drive aimlessly around town hoping to encounter a drugstore, I drove clear across town to a drugstore I was already familiar with, and bought medicine for both Lucy and me.

    Then it was on to a leisurely breakfast while we waited for the zoo to open. Finally, we headed up to the zoo and only had to wait in the van for about five minutes before it opened. The weather was very overcast and cool. The animals were either fast asleep (otters, colobus monkeys, the lion) or very active (most of the big cats). We were meowed at by a serval cat and appraised at very close range by a white tiger. The kids loved it.

    We stopped for a snack at the concession stand and sat at a table overlooking the African area. Two of the elephants were playing with sticks and it was very endearing. Usually they seem to be so bored.

    The whole zoo was exploding with color. It is a beautifully landscaped zoo, and it really shines at this time of year. Dogwoods, azaleas, daffodils, pansies, redbuds and snapdragons were everywhere, but the real showstopper at this time of year is the wisteria. Many of the walkways are shaded by arbors covered with wisteria vines. The wisteria are just coming into bloom, so we were walking through a scented purple corridor for much of the way. So much loveliness!

    By the time we had completed our circuit, the sun had come out and the temperature had risen significantly. My thermos of tea was waiting for me in the van, and it was very welcome after the long walk. Jazzed up on tea and meds, I drove home feeling that I might actually be human again at some point.

    Tomorrow is going to be quite a day. Spencer is playing in a tennis tournament in Tyler. We are having a chai party. Walter has to work all day without Spencer. Lucy has a birthday party to go to, and Jasper has a big Bible quiz in the morning so I will be riding with him to that. That means that Mercy (who is also very sick with a respiratory infection) will be on her own for a large portion of chai party preparation. I think it may be an “Easter candy” chai party!

Comments (2)

  • Aww–I wish I could have come with you!  My cold would have been right at home with yours!  I can’t wait to see some of the spring; I must say I really miss how East Texas pulls out all the stops once a year!

  • This used to be my favorite time of year to go to the zoo as a kid– I’m so glad they still have all the azaleas and wisteria around!

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